Thursday, January 7, 2010


This is the most frequently asked question by the course evaluations and by the instructors recently. Bringing together all the things we made and refreshing our memory would be useful in order to be being aware of what we did actually, at the end of the semester.

Here I’m going to mention ones that I remember:
- APA Referencing was the main theme for me this semester. I’ve learnt it for the first time and at first got difficulties I have to admit. (I still find it hard to use it properly)
- Writing a process essay: again it was the first time for me to write a process essay. The difficulty here is the higher expectations because you have a certain time for working on it and it really needs a hard work on and on. Keeping on the writing, never giving up. (One of my teachers said in the primary school, you should hold your pen in your hand even if you’re not writing, because it provides you to concentrate more.)
- Making research for an academic writing: I did not hear Google scholar before. But it is a nice search engine to keep in mind. (you can see also which essays are available on the IC)
- The main course themes: “Gender and Media” were also interesting topics to talk about.
- And of course I learnt how I should pronounce PARENTHESİS! (not parenthesus : D )

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