Thursday, January 7, 2010

10. TV on New Year's Eve

“Victoria’s Secret” by CJ Sorg licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic.

It’s a classic. People who stay at home on the New Year’s Eve got used to it. What am I talking about? Of course about Victoria’s Secret fashion show. I can see your smile from here. In this evening I was at my friend’s house, making a house party. Even if you make a house party there’s no way to avoid watching it! Because most of the boys want to watch it and it is so as if they could die for it! You could think that I’m overreacting, but actually I’m not. If you are alone at home or really got bored I can understand the purpose behind it. Anyway what if you’re having fun with your friends and everyone is dancing and drinking? At the midnight after the countdown it’s time for the show. (I know that you know this.) So everybody has to sit down and be quiet and watch it. If you don’t watch it then you have to be excluded. After the show is ended (for me it is like 2 hours have passed), everyone starts to behave normally. And I couldn’t help but wonder, why? Me and a friend of mine(a girl)are in thoughts: what was gonna like if there was a men version of it? (It reminded me the Full Monty) And I’ve asked to my boyfriend. (no no, I did not shouted!) What makes this show so special? I know there are lots of girls too, who wait for it impatiently. In general they are waiting for the glamorous underwear. (Different aims, again) Anyway he said that the show is made once a year and it causes an excitement. Also they are known for being best angels of the world. Having all thoughts from Killing us softly in my head, I laughed and shook his hand.

I’m curious about your night, with or without the show?

1 comment:

  1. Flowerish fish,
    That sounds like a hell of a night! You are very correct about the reactions of men, me and my friends were also argued on turning it on or not. But our decision was turning it off and shouting at home hugging, and kissing each other. ; )
    I liked your photo too. It is a bit related to tough guise's cover. Young boys not only pushed to toy guns and cars but also to girls and relationships. Fathers make jokes about how their boys humiliate or mock with their girlfriends. This boy in your photo also forced to pose in front of the victoria's secret label. And he smiles rougishly.
