Monday, March 8, 2010

102.2. A little trip by train / Stereotypes

"perfect perspective" by Can Aydin licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 Generic.
I've got off the train just three and a half hours ago and I've remembered again how I like to travel by it. Right after my first two classes on friday, I ran to Haydarpasa as if I was running away from something.I knew that I missed my best friend who lives&studies in Eskisehir.How this is gonna relate to the streotypes, you will see.After I've gazed at hundreds of mountains and villages through my window,finally saw the signboard of Eskişehir's station.Ecem and her new boyfriend welcomed me, we walked to her little home(people walk a lot there,isnt that great?).She cooked chicken with Béchamel sauce,i adored it i have to admit.At the table we had a little meeting conversation with her boyfriend who i've met for the first time.I've asked him where he was from .(the answer is antalya,but its not necessary)Ecem told Aytaç that I was from Black Sea and she claimed that I could not come actually from there and said: "People from Black Sea are too religious and you have nothing to do with it." I pretended to be a little angry with her but I didn't think about it so much. Rather then we discussed about the father/mother side of the homeland issues. At the way back (today,no actually on sunday =) I began to read my printouts about Stereotypes,positive or negative? etc. I've realized that dinner on friday night and the way Ecem reacted.Stereotyping is what we&our neighbourhood do nearly everyday.Even my best friend (despite the fact that she is educated)is stereotyping people according to their roots,behaviours,customs etc. As the train got close to Istanbul I've remembered another thing that she said about the drivers of Eskisehir:"I've never seen a car yielding and letting a pedestrian go in front of it for 2 years that I've spent here.Once a car stopped and let me go,I looked at his license plate and it was 34 not 26."


  1. Brilliant story!!! Love it!!!

    This is such a perfect illustration of what we all do quite naturally, even, as you point out, with our closest's really hard to stop, isn't it? But it's really important to notice how we feel when we're on the receiving end of it...

  2. I also have a stereotype here:

    People from Black Sea are extreme-nationalist/racist. Noo, this is not true.. Even it is like that, we shouldn't state such sentences.


    Are Istanbul drivers better than Eskişehir ones? Why do we keep complaining about Istanbuls'? However, in the traffic, the most guilty side is the pedestrians, not the drivers ;)

  3. I imagined all the train athmosphere, chicken with bechamel sauce, your friend's little house, everybody is walking to places by feet and i feel warm and peacefull now. Thanks for this lovely post =)
