Friday, January 8, 2010

14. Going into the darkroom!

"welcome to the darkroom" by galo/* licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 Generic.

Just 3 hours ago, I was in the darkroom of our school, which is located in the university center. It was my first developing of my own negatives! I’m still very excited about that, I was waiting a long time for making that, especially in the high school. We wanted (as the photography club) to convert a room into the darkroom, but it was really expensive and our school could not afford it. Elif was also there this evening with me and with a couple of people. I think she’s lucky because she had chance to go into the darkroom of her high school. At first we practiced a little bit what we were going to do. After having told a lot of things by our guide (who also is a student) we really took out our film from its hard cover, yes in the dark! Then we put it into a little box that keeps the film safe from the daylight. Turning the lights on, we put into this box several chemicals (first one called the developer, second called the fixer..). 20-25 min later we took the film out of the box and washed it carefully. Then we pinned up them and waited for it to become dry.

We’re going to print them next week! I can’t wait for it and want immediately to see my experimental photographs. =)


  1. I'm also very exciten fishy, as your photography model! ; ) hehe..
    We will see your great piece of art!

  2. that is so cool, i've always wanted to learn how to do that!! please post your photos... :)
